Armando Montelongo Relocates to California?

Armando Montelongo frequently tells viewers that in 2001, he grew tired of being unemployed, living in his in-law’s garage in Southern California.  He and his wife borrowed $1000, packed up the car, and coasted into San Antonio on their last tank of gas, where he negotiated two months of free rent and sold all his furniture to buy groceries.

If the reports I’m receiving are to to be believed, he’s now back in California.  The California housing market can’t be an easy place for a flipper with the current state of lending, but with home prices on the decline in some markets, the move might produce interesting results. 

At the moment, I have very little information about the progress of his Theft of Services case in Texas – for failure to pay Reliance Appraisal Services for their work.  We’re working on collecting additional information on this matter.

We are unable to determine whether Montelongo is still associated with A&E’s Flip This House after this move, but will continue to report as this story develops.

186 Comments on “Armando Montelongo Relocates to California?”

  1. George Scott says:

    I live in California and he commercials on the radio every day promoting a seminar and products. Personally I know better then to believe “how much money he has made” but I don’t believe others do. He notes that he was on TV and that is probably good enough for most people that he is credible.

  2. Casey says:

    It appears that Flip This House is off the air. It used to be on Saturday night, but it has been replaced by The Sopranos. Even though Trademark was not on the show, it was entertaining to watch Armando and the gay Atlanta flippers.

  3. ChrisInDetroit says:

    Look out California… This whale pile of blubber will try to eat you like a land shark! Beware of the tool!

  4. ChrisInDetroit says:

    Also, if ANYONE has watched the show – they have seen how shoddy his repair work is… Does he really think he can do high ends? Imagine him thinking he can be Jeff Lewis… Installing pools, etc… hahaha Can’t even imagine… Armando’s inground would be a plastic kids pool dig a few feet in the ground…

  5. Steve says:

    It’s actually on the air right now – my DVR is recording it as we speak (starting at 11am CST on 06/21).

  6. Sharon says:

    If you go to A&E’s web site at and do a search for “Flip This House” in the upper right hand corner, the schedule that comes back shows two more episodes of the show with both airing on June 21st.

    One is Brent’s Big Break and the other is Veronica Saves the Day. There are other shows listed through July but no Flip This House shows. It’s possible that it is just not updated yet but doesn’t appear that way.


  7. Grandson of Kong says:

    Well he’ll never cut it within about 50-100 miles of the coast. Too expensive in this market given his low cost approach to flipping. But…..

    I can see him in Fresno, Bakersfield, Sacramento and the “Inland Empire”. Plenty of his kind of places there.

    Of course will Armando be able to comply with tougher Builing Codes(IMHO than Texas) and little things like that?

    Big wake-up call for the big man from Texas if it’s true. I’ll be watching and hear him hype himself as usual.

  8. Mike Voss says:

    Considering that Irvine has some of the strictest building codes and code enforcement in the country and that the subprime lending industry has been obliterated from that city, it should take about a month before he’s run out of there on a rail too.

    He left TX because that town was dead for him. However, he’ll be going back there to serve his sentence just as soon as he’s convicted.

  9. Casey says:

    I forgot, the gay New Haven flippers are also entertaining to watch.

    A&E is not helping the ratings of the show by changing the time slot of Flip This House. At least TLC has kept Flip That House on at the same time slot over the years. The important question is, has TLC given up on the Trademark show? It would be nice if someone from Trademark would let us know what is going on.

  10. Mike Voss says:

    Last I heard Trademark’s show was cancelled.

  11. Chris says:

    So even after a month of the supposed date of court dates we still don’t know the outcome of either?

  12. GQ Realtor says:

    I’m a licensed Realtor in CA…I would love for Armando Montelongo to walk into my office and ask me to look for properties for him. First I need to pull his credit cause he wouldn’t even have a chance of putting an offer on a house with-out a pre-approval letter. Sorry Armando you got have cash in the bank to buy houses in CALI, there is no 30k-90k homes unless you buying a crack house or a shack in Stockton, CA.

    I’m 24yrs old knocking out my requirements to become a broker, right now I’m studying to get into commercial Real Estate. NEVER IN MY LIFE I WILL EVER, EVER AND I MEAN EVER FOLLOW Armando Montelongo LESSONS, TEACHINGS,OR TAKE SIMPLE ADVICE FROM HIM.

    Mike Voss keep up the good work!!

  13. GQ Lawyer says:

    You guys need to get a life. Seriously. You devote your free time to a sad attempt of exposing somebody that most people don’t even care about. Pathetic.

  14. Casey says:

    It is nice to see that GQ Lawyer was able to take the time, from chasing ambulances, to comment about Armando.

  15. frank says:

    word on the streets is AM showed up in Cali in a brand new black Cadillac Escalade. This affirms the fact that A&E leased and took back the Hummer H2 and Veronica’s (David’s old ride) CLK Mercedes. AM must be off the show otherwise he would be driving the Hummer out there in Cali.

  16. Chris says:

    Just a thought what if AM runs into the other A&E Flip team based in LA.

  17. GQ Lawyer says:

    Oh no Chris. Then that would mean you’d have to keep caring about him! You’d have to keep loggin onto this web site and looking for updates about what he’s up to. Your life would have to continue to be an abomonation if Armanodo gets another TV show…

  18. Shannonhb says:

    Scumbagoo Montelongo wouldn’t last a week buying/building/flipping or panhandling in Southern California (please, it’s not “Cali”). Trust me, we have planning and permitting requirements and people who think they can fly low and get away without them always learn the hard way and usually double the $$ way. This guy is the biggest sack of s*@t on two feet. I am sickened to hear that he is in California and if I find him in my city, he’ll high tale it back to texass so fast his b*%ch t*ts will spin in the cool ocean breeze.

  19. paramus says:

    He won’t last in California. Armando’s wife even thinks his ego is out of control. I can’t believe people by this clowns products.

  20. paramus says:

    He won’t last in California. Armando’s wife even thinks his ego is out of control. I can’t believe people buy this clowns products.

  21. frank says:

    post 18.. shannon, I can call it Cali. I’m a native. F Off!

  22. ChrisInDetroit says:

    Shannon, lol calm down… Plenty of people call it Cali… From natives to non-natives, to rappers, to singers, to actors, to newspapers and reporters! lol No big deal!

  23. ChrisInDetroit says:

    Anyone out west see the tool out and about yet?

    Any word on the lawsuitS?

    Any word on the tool being dropped?

  24. feeling ripped says:

    Before we ever saw one of AM’s shows we actually bought into his program. We are totally disappointed and none of his suggestions has worked for us. Is there anyone else, or does anyone know of someone who actually sued Armando for their money back and won? Or is anyone out there who is thinking about sueing him?

  25. Grandson of Kong says:

    Okay…mail comes today and guess what?? Free Invites from Armando and American Entrepreneur on how to “Flip and Grow Rich”

    Three “shows” all in the Silicon Valley area. Don’t think the big man will be there though, says “you will be trained by 2 of Armando’s personal mentors, who are self made millionaires”

    So dare I go? It’s all day..9am to 5pm and free lunch? What kind of BS do you think they will be serving for lunch?

    Says I’ll be Armando’s personal VIP guest!! How can I go wrong? A $249 dollar value!

  26. ChrisInDetroit says:

    Grandson of Kong… How much are they asking for the “knowledge” lol hahaha?

  27. Grandson of Kong says:

    No cost but as the saying goes “No such thing as a free lunch”

    It’s 8 hours and not sure I can sit through all of that Armando ego, no matter who delivers it.

  28. frank says:

    they are just trying to fill seats to push the master course for 999.00.

  29. LH says:

    I saw some new episodes with the Montelongos in the a.m. on A & E. I think they are coming on at 11 a.m. on Saturday mornings. And I despise Armando!

  30. JT says:

    Just watched the new episode inwhich he helped Veronica’s sister and her husband renovate their home. I love watching the show.

  31. jack says:

    Can you believe this guy. I hope he doesn’t do this in cali.

  32. MHR says:

    First… california is nothing but vastly OVERPRICED and OVERVALUED real estate. Dont be jealous that your 1 million homes cost 100k here in Texas.

    I live in a 3000 square foot brand new house. 170k. “cali” is for rich homos!

  33. Betty Zwilling says:

    Does not surprise me. After watching 2 shows you could tell that this man his his “team” was nothing but fakes. The way he talked to his contracts and threating them was not professional at all. If this man was an example of a professional, then let me deal with a crook. At least I would know who I was dealing with up fron.

  34. Betty Zwilling says:

    Does not surprise me. After watching 2 shows you could tell that this man his his “team” was nothing but fakes. The way he talked to his contractors and threating them was not professional at all. If this man was an example of a professional, then let me deal with a crook. At least I would know who I was dealing with up front.

  35. Deb says:

    I can sum up everything Armando ever says on the show: “Money money money, me me me, cost me money, do it for free, me me me, b.s, b.s., b.s., this is why I flip houses, not for the weak at heart, money money money” I put him on mute most of the time. I love to see the properties go from freak to chic but can’t stand to listen to that empty-headed blowhard. He’s a great example of someone who talks constantly without actually saying anything.

  36. PapuManiac says:


    I like your style. That is a BRILLANT summation of Armando. That egomaniac deserves everything that he has coming to him.

  37. Mike Jones says:

    I know Armando is here in Southern California, he is working on my neighbor’s house which is estimated to be 1.6M and he wants to flip it for $500K

  38. JThorley says:

    “First I need to pull his credit cause he wouldn’t even have a chance of putting an offer on a house with-out a pre-approval letter.”

    Really? Friends of mine are realtors in Newport Beach CA and were just complaining the other day that they’ve had 20+ offers this year and only one closed because no one can get financing after they place the offer. You are obviously not really a CA realtor because you don’t have the facts straight.

  39. Dana says:

    You are all losers. He is here and he is doing great. Too bad you all can’t make a buck, and you are mad he figured out how too. GQ realtor, please, your name is so stupid, and I highly doubt in this market you would turn away a customer. Why don’t you put your real name? Afraid the rest of us would see you haven’t sold a thing like the rest of the real estate agents in the past year? The rest of you, get off you @$$ and do something besides spread hate about someone you have never met. IT IS A TV SHOW!!!! IT IS HYPED UP FOR RATINGS!!!!

  40. maria says:

    AM is in the Silicon Valley promoting his “educational CD’s and Get Rich Seminars”, since I rarely see his show anymore, my intuition tells me He’s Run Out of Money! This should be great, I would like to see how he can possibly think the same system in Texas would work in California. Laws and Building Codes are stringent, obtaining financing is another struggle. Good,bad or no credit is not a reality. Good luck for what I can see he’s up to his ears in Pending Lawsuits……

  41. I went to watch a seminar where Armando Montelongo Spoke in San Francisco in San Francisco several weeks ago.

    It wasn’t too bad, but the list those guys purchased stunk; literally & figuratively.

    Looks as though everyone their was trying to get the $250.00 gas card he was hawking if you went to the seminar.

    I’m not even sure most of the people at the event could drive. One person pooped all over themselves and another urinated on themselves. They wanted the free gas card so bad they refused to leave. Choosing to sit in there Poop & urine.

    Another patron of the seminar kept messing with the lights turning them on and off repeatedly while the speakers were talking.

    Armondo was pissed but he managed to keep his cool. If it was me I would have got out the sniper rifle and started shooting these people.

  42. FightingFraud says:

    The American Entrepreneur invitation featuring Montelongo on the cover promises, “You’ll Receive $250 Worth of Free Gasoline Just For Attending!” What the invitation does not say is that in order to “Receive $250 Worth of Free Gasoline” you’ve got to spend $100 per month, to generate a $25 rebate. Go to FreeGasCentral for details.

    “This special rewards program will generate a $25 rebate for every $100 of your selected brand of gas that you purchase and submit the receipts for in a calendar month.”

    (Toll-free in CA)
    (800) 952-5225
    Fax: (916) 323-5341

  43. FightingFraud says:

    The American Entrepreneur invitation featuring Montelongo on the cover promises, “You’ll Receive $250 Worth of Free Gasoline Just For Attending!”

    What the invitation does not say is that in order to “Receive $250 Worth of Free Gasoline” you’ve got to spend $100 per month, to generate a $25 rebate. (Let’s see, 10 months.)

    American Entrepreneur and Montelongo require that you attend one of their all-day seminars before providing any details about their promise of “$250 Worth of Free Gasoline Just For Attending.” At the end of the huckster-like seminar American Entrepreneur agents hand out “vouchers” as they’re busy rushing everyone out the door.

    The “voucher” directs you to the website. And, then the messy details emerge.

    Some of the messy details: “This special rewards program will generate a $25 rebate for every $100 of your selected brand of gas that you purchase and submit the receipts for in a calendar month.”

    (Toll-free in CA)
    (800) 952-5225

  44. Joseph Indi says:

    Could somebody simply go to the Bexar and Travis Counties Courthouses and check on litigation profiles and also
    pick up any purchase at the Bexar and Travis County recorder as see which homes where purchased either under his land trust or his companies? Where the homes in probate, in bankruptcy, in divorces, was there a homestead exemption on said houses or were they rentals? Has he documented his purchases of 20 or 30 cents on the dollar, reselling for 70 to 80n cents on the dollar?

  45. Joseph Indi says:

    Could somebody simply go to the Bexar and Travis Counties Courthouses and check on litigation profiles and also
    pick up any purchase at the Bexar and Travis County recorder and see which homes where purchased either under his land trust or his companies? Where the homes in probate, in bankruptcy, in divorces, was there a homestead exemption on said houses or were they rentals? Has he documented his purchases of 20 or 30 cents on the dollar, reselling for 70 to 80n cents on the dollar?

  46. Jeff says:

    JThorley: pre-approval letters are basically worthless. Just because you have one, doesnt mean you will actually qualify for the loan you want. Thats why it took over 20 offers to find someone that could actually get a loan to go through.

  47. koolor says:

    I attended the seminar that Armando’s team offered. there are 4 sessions, and each sells its own membership. The first two appear to be quite interesting and the speakers seems quite knowledgeable. The rest of two are boring. I did not buy any membership, because I cannot figure out if they are over-priced. But like others, I did get free lunch and $250 free gas voucher, that is conpensation for 8 hours sitting. Not bad, got some information and freebies. I think it is not so fair to question Armando myself, since I did not lose anything and don’t know enough about the membership. Hope some people in contact can come forward to talk about this later.

  48. Corazon Chaplin says:

    I went to one of his seminars this past weekend and was sickened by his brash behavior and foul mouth. He promised free gas and people left with nothing unless they were willing to pay for it. Can we say “RIP-OFF”?

  49. MT says:

    I was invited as a guest to hear Armando speak in a seminar coming up in September. I’ve never attended a seminar that was 8 hours long – why so long?

  50. LateNIghtLarry says:

    AM is bringing his seminars to the North San Francisco Bay Area in September, with three sessions scheduled in Santa Rosa, Napa, and San Rafael. I got an invitation which says, “Response to this conference has been overwhelming!”… What response? He just sent the invites out by BULK MAIL. And of course he still has the free gas offer. Am I going? I don’t eat rubber chicken, and I don’t get up early to hear some guy whose full of himself, so no, I’m not going… Anybody want my invitation?

  51. Tx RE guy says:

    no need to go to county offices, the published reports out, membership basis, shows the info on these blogs to be accurate as far as am and relat.

  52. Melanie Zahensky says:

    I purchased the package and was hounded to use their real estate experts to help us flip houses. Wanted to charge us a minimum of 16k to help us flip houses and kept hounded us to get started. It was borderline harassment. Now I am leary of them since they made it seem like we just had to use their experts. Hope someone else has been fortune with them.

  53. GQ Realtor says:

    Where do I start first, do I get on the twit that thinks my name is stupid or the dude that thinks he knows something about real-estate financing, but really don’t know jack-shit about real-estate financing .

    Dana I would really like to know what special Ed teacher thought it was a good idea for you to use a computer and post your remedial ramblings on here to “try” clown me. In simple words Dana you don’t know nothing what you are talking about so just sit back and relax with your blues clues helmet and shut the fuc% up!!!

    JThorley wrote:

    “First I need to pull his credit because he wouldn’t even have a chance of putting an offer on a house with-out a pre-approval letter.”

    Really? Friends of mine are realtors in Newport Beach CA and were just complaining the other day that they’ve had 20+ offers this year and only one closed because no one can get financing after they place the offer. You are obviously not really a CA realtor because you don’t have the facts straight.

    Posted on 15-Aug-08 at 7:26 pm

    JThorley A pre-approval letter doesn’t mean nothing in this market with out proof that you are able to afford the loan, in all pre-approval letter is a brief look over your credit history, employment income, as well a rough amount of purchasing power that you do have if you meet the lenders full conditions after the underwriter looks over you financial background. so like Dana shut the fuc% up!!!

  54. Julie says:

    His infomercial is on my TV right now. The channel is KRON in the SF Bay Area. He and his wife are promoting “free seminars” and his home flipping program. Like other programs, they give you little detail but boast how much money you will make. I keep my 10 foot pole handy for just such times.

    So, bottom line is he is “still” out there though I believe he is new in this area.

  55. priscilla says:

    I think most of you have dranked too much hater-raid. And your asses need to get a dam life! If am is doing good or bad; does it put food on your tables jack-asses? And all of you have convinced me, Yes to go ahead and purchase his amazing courses and other materials.It only works if you work it dead head asses.And most or all of you are sitting on your brains and complaining with your hands out wanting a free ride anyway.And you can blog me back, I don’t give a shit,because what you all eat don’t make me shit.But deep down all you know what you’re really are.Go to sleep and or day dream on that.Especially you California tampon drinkers.Love You All.

  56. Illin in cali says:

    Red Flag #1:
    The radio spots are fast-talked so fast – Montelongo mispronounces/flubs words.

    Translation: I am counting on that 1 out of 1000 of you suckers will part w/ $1000 for my obsolete info-since my flipping market is extinct! San Antonio is full of broke crackheads-Cali is wall to wall people -Oh…the humanity!

  57. OneStep says:


    English must not be your native language.

    Might I suggest you brush up on the English language and not worry about Armando or the people on this board.

  58. Jann says:

    It’s hard to believe what a reaction this guy gets from all of you. He is trying to make a living and he is counting on people who don’t use their heads to purchase his stuff. As for his flipping business in TX I believe in doing business with integrity, but not everyone does (and everyone knows that)so shouldn’t the prospective purchaser take some responsibility here and make sure they aren’t being ripped off. As for AM’s move to California, he’ll find out soon enough he is in over his head and out of his league.
    Just some random but sane thoughts with no hostility towards any of the previous posts.

  59. jgar says:

    how about this one i went toschool with am and it was in sa tx and his family owns a construction company there he is lying about his empty gas tank to his humble beginings he has always had his familys name and construction backing he f.o.s your typical real estate price hype.

  60. Girl from TX says:

    san antonio is not filled with broke crackheads, he never did any flipping on the north side of town, he ONLY did it on the side of town where NO ONE wants to live, then flips the houses and asked way too much for the house. Like the episode where they did the enitre block, those houses on the show say they sold, but they were empty, and as far as I know remain that way!

  61. garry says:

    Armando depended on the anything goes Sub-prime market to sell his houses, that thankfully has changed…… NO job… NO credit… No down payment… NO HOUSE !!!

  62. MPlaisir says:

    Yeah im no hater , if it work’s it works.
    I went the seminar to learn something
    that might impact my life,and yeah (FREE GAS) or so .There was some info i found
    interesting but was a little overwhelmed
    by alot of other offers .I feel it would have been more sensable to focus on one
    thing instead of spreading your self trying to learn so much info.I expected
    them to drop a $4000 progam which if you buy now will be only $2000 !!!!!
    But another and another..
    What really bothered me was offering
    people Gas money knowing every body would gladly appreciate it and give out
    FAKE gas vouchers.I could not even find this website…Go ahead google it ,it DOES NOT EXIST…. How can i do business with someone who Bullshits people?I didnt ask for a gas card , it was offered to me. WHY would someone ruin there reputation on something so petty.Not to mention there is no # to call and no address to mail to ,this gas voucher is Bullshit. In Polish(huj ci w dupe) if you know polish then you know what this means…

  63. MPlaisir says:

    The old saying still remains true today,’THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH’ and that
    also aply’s to gas as well

  64. Graphic Artists says:

    I work for the company that sells these “coaching” programs for Armando and it is all BS. I have heard the sales people harass and “talk” some people into getting their credit lines raised to 32K so they can attend these seminars and “invest”. In addition, I have heard many sales agent LIE to the people they try to sell too. These “programs” make no one but Armando rich. Don’t believe any of it!!! It is all BS! email me if you’re still curious or don’t believe what I am saying. I HAVE PROOF!

  65. Melissa Justice says:

    My husband and I went to one of his seminars last night here in Burbank, CA. We needed the gas (card) and wanted to hear him speak in person. (We enjoyed watching the show)Armondo was not there and were trapped in a seminar two hours with a speaker before a break. The speaker a man named Lynn was ok but he insulted a few people including a very old man whos hearing aid was acting up. When he realized it was a hearing aid and not a cel phone he didn’t even apologize so much for the WIN WIN and I am here to help you. He never said the name of his company either. Then, after the break he said some guy named Wayne was going to speak on Tax Liens. No Armando at all. Very Deceptive.
    These kind of people can’t win for ever.
    I am glad we left and after reading the other posts I am not real happy that we ALMOST got duped buy A money hungry dope.

  66. Mark says:

    Graphic artist:wrote

    I believe you bro, the company in question is based out of Utah. They have a very troubling record with the BBB. As a matter of fact, one of the top excutives and several coaches were on one of Armando’s espisodes.Episode:( Veronica runs a flip, while Armando is out of town). Not all the Gurus who use this company are of suspect character, a gentlman named ‘Bob Diamond” contracts these guys too. I spoke to one of Mr.Diamonds crew about this company, and i was informed they monitor these coaches very closely for quality assurance reasons. I believe Mr. Diamond should simply detached himself from these guys and use someone else. I belive, the New Haven group use another coachning group, they probaly did their homework before using the Utah group!! Guys, becareful out there, the Utah group will use heavy tactics to get your cash………

  67. The Other Garry says:

    Look of i think armando is a great person and i just dont see why yall hateing on him. I mean really, to tell the truth i wouldent mind working for him…i would love to have his smarts on how to flip houses in like 20 days and my at least 30000 dollors…in 20 days i think thats amasing

  68. Shane says:

    Odd that there is so much negativity about a guy who teaches you how to make money in a failed housing market on a small budget. While I agree that his methods would not work in places like California, New York and affluent cities. They do however work in 90% of America. I am from Michigan and jobs are non existent but the housing market for selling 80k-120k houses is still strong especially when you can buy them for 20k-60k put anywhere from 1k-15k and cash out in a month. Say what you will but I worked with a crew that flipped houses for 2 years making $17/hr. Now I run my own business and crew and on average make $40+/hr and net over 100k a year at 25. I do not take any shortcuts so I do not follow this course to the letter but there are many stumbling blocks that first time flippers run into and usually end up trying to get the money back by cutting workmanship and materials.

  69. jim says:

    Ya’all need to get past the hatred and realize that it’s only a tv show. You have no idea how scripted the show is or isn’t. It was never intended to teach you anything but as purely for entertainment. At least the Montelongos were interesting to watch unlike the Conn. team that puts you to sleep.

  70. James says:

    If you see this loser, Run! What a scam artist! I don’t know him personally, but by watching Flip This House you could tell he was out to screw everyone over!

  71. PACMANIA says:


  72. John Garcia says:

    A personal friend of mine from San Antonio knows Armando and has had a couple of dealings with him. He’s full of shit. A lot of the houses did not sell as they said on tv and he’s even turned some back into his lender because he could not do anything with them. Seems like he has run out of money. My friend, the real house flipper, says that he averages around 5k to 7k profit per house after all expenses. In certain situations, he has to wholesale homes to other flippers who feel they can make a profit on the houses netting him a 1k profit or even breaking even. And yes, they lose money on some deals.

  73. charlie says:

    If it sounds to good to be true,it probably is.

  74. Mindi says:

    Armando IS in so cal. I spoke with hom at a home show in Palm Desert. He is excited about his move. With the market in Cali, good luck to him. He is great to watch.

  75. SF Bay Area Realtor says:

    I love watching his entertaining shows. I used to flip houses (before the term

    became popular) in the early ’70s.

    I’m a realtor in San Franisco S. Bay Area. To give a little credibilty to my

    knowledge, I had $6.65 million in transactions last year on 2007 and $7.64

    this year 2008 (proof upon request).

    In my opinion, most of his BS is just that! His techniques are valid as a

    “commando style” hit and run flipper. As other have pointed out, the market in

    San Antonio (I know nothing about it) must be completely different than here

    in CA.
    The prices he’s buying and selling is basically would be only a downpayment

    for a house here.
    The only strategy I would agree with him is the hit and run, cheap as possible

    concept. I’ve sold many homes to flippers that are now foreclosed, because

    as I warned them, they “fell in love” with the flip. Most were remodeling as if

    they were to live in it, not what the market for that area needed. I warned

    them to install “Home Depot” kitchen cabinets with laminate counters, but

    they insisted on granite countertops with cherywood cabinets.
    I warned them to get in and out within the most 2 months, but most dragged

    on for 4+ months. I warned them to get loans with no pre-payment penalties,

    but most got min. 6 month pre-payment penatly loans.
    I warned them that the market is fickle, and you can’t predict what’s going to

    happen 3+ months from the day they take posession, so they are gambling if

    they hold it longer.
    The major factor in his flips is obviously he never had to go through the permit

    issue, inspections and final sign off of any work. He could not get away with

    that here in CA. Most all permits pulled are now on-line, so anyone can find

    out if they were pulled and if they had a final sign off. The realtor here in CA

    has to disclose any non-permitted remodeling, additions, etc. by LAW. We

    cannot do a wink-wink, nod-nod and look the other way, I would have to

    disclose it to potential buyers. If I did not disclose it, my RE license would be revoked.
    Most any buyer would never buy a home without the proper permits. Any

    city inspector would force the new owner to comply with all local, state and

    federal building code standards. If the home insurance company discovered unpermitted remodeling, they would cancel the insurance.

    One last comment. If he’s made millions flipping, why is he wasting his time with the worst ripoff since Carlton Sheets. Most people who spend the $999 on his crap are hoping that he will be able to solve their money problems but he’s giving them false hope.

    Go back home Montelongo!

  76. Mary says:

    I watched one of his shows for the first time last week. It was the “Cat House” episode dated 2007. I was very distressed that the issue of the cats obviously left behind in the vacant house was not addressed in the show. I emailed Armando and got an auto response back. Does anyone know what the outcome was regarding the cats?
    Thank you!

  77. BeersJeff says:

    I recently was down in San Clemente, CA attending a conference when I saw Mondo Man and his dad Armando driving by. I decided to screw the conference and follow him to see where he lives…well turns out I followed him right to his NEW project. A house he is flipping, funny thing is when I talked to the guy standing outside he said Armando doesn’t even own the house, HE ONLY ACTS like he does because it is TV and he is an ACTOR on a show!

  78. Gary Harden says:

    I paid the full amount for the course and for health reason was unable to pursue the classes. The director of customer service (a real misnomer) said they don’t give refunds. I may consider a class action with the number of disgruntled people that have come forwward.

  79. Ewa S says:

    I have read each and every pro and anti Armando Montelongo comment written. First off, let me just add that not everyone who has anything negative to say about AM is jealous or hateful. We do live in a democracy and can express our opinions in whatever manner we deem fit even if we tend to disagree.
    As for myself, I have watched enough Flip This House to have observed that AM does have excellent skills to promote himself very well and his showmanship is well honed. THAT IS THE TRICK! SHOWMANSHIP! He sells a “get rich quick scheme” but the bottom line is that we as a general population have to really rely on our common sense to separate the real from the BS, use our ability to reflect on the situation from a distance not emotionally.
    Things look great written down on paper or portrayed on television. The important aspect to remember is that to truly be successful in life is to work hard to learn the trade well, whether flipping houses or flipping waffles or whatever else catches one’s fancy. Trial and error is sometimes the price to pay to gain experience and wisdom necessary to learn and grow.
    Having said the above, I am not implying that we only learn or grow from personal experience but we do get inspired by others. For instance, we can get a few sound tips from someone like Armando Montelongo and others who have reached success and we can apply those tips to our lives but not apply every single step by step process. Hope that this makes sense to you.
    As for myself, I don’t really trust Armando much and I wouldn;t want to attend his seminars or read his books. Thank you, Armando for the great entertainment and some good tips, but I’ll pass on the rest!

  80. Ewa S says:

    I have read each and every pro and anti Armando Montelongo comment written. First off, let me just add that not everyone who has anything negative to say about AM is jealous or hateful. We do live in a democracy and can express our opinions in whatever manner we deem fit even if we tend to disagree.
    As for myself, I have watched enough Flip This House to have observed that AM does have excellent skills to promote himself very well and his showmanship is well honed. THAT IS THE TRICK! SHOWMANSHIP! He sells a “get rich quick scheme” but the bottom line is that we as a general population have to really rely on our common sense to separate the real from the BS, use our ability to reflect on the situation from a distance not emotionally.
    Things look great written down on paper or portrayed on television. The important aspect to remember is that to truly be successful in life is to work hard to learn the trade well, whether flipping houses or flipping waffles or whatever else catches one’s fancy. Trial and error is sometimes the price to pay to gain experience and wisdom necessary to learn and grow.
    Having said the above, I am not implying that we only learn or grow from personal experience but we do get inspired by others. For instance, we can get a few sound tips from someone like Armando Montelongo and others who have reached success and we can apply those tips to our lives but not apply every single step by step process. Hope that this makes sense to you.
    As for myself, I don’t really trust Armando much and I wouldn;t want to attend his seminars or read his books. Thank you, Armando for the great entertainment and some good tips, but I’ll pass on the rest!

  81. Ewa S says:

    have read each and every pro and anti Armando Montelongo comment written. First off, let me just add that not everyone who has anything negative to say about AM is jealous or hateful. We do live in a democracy and can express our opinions in whatever manner we deem fit even if we tend to disagree.
    As for myself, I have watched enough Flip This House to have observed that AM does have excellent skills to promote himself very well and his showmanship is well honed. THAT IS THE TRICK! SHOWMANSHIP! He sells a “get rich quick scheme” but the bottom line is that we as a general population have to really rely on our common sense to separate the real from the BS, use our ability to reflect on the situation from a distance not emotionally.
    Things look great written down on paper or portrayed on television. The important aspect to remember is that to truly be successful in life is to work hard to learn the trade well, whether flipping houses or flipping waffles or whatever else catches one’s fancy. Trial and error is sometimes the price to pay to gain experience and wisdom necessary to learn and grow.
    Having said the above, I am not implying that we only learn or grow from personal experience but we do get inspired by others. For instance, we can get a few sound tips from someone like Armando Montelongo and others who have reached success and we can apply those tips to our lives but not apply every single step by step process. Hope that this makes sense to you.
    As for myself, I don’t really trust Armando much and I wouldn;t want to attend his seminars or read his books.

  82. Ewa S says:

    have read each and every pro and anti Armando Montelongo comment written. First off, let me just add that not everyone who has anything negative to say about AM is jealous or hateful. We do live in a democracy and can express our opinions in whatever manner we deem fit even if we tend to disagree.
    As for myself, I have watched enough Flip This House to have observed that AM does have excellent skills to promote himself very well and his showmanship is well honed. THAT IS THE TRICK! SHOWMANSHIP! He sells a “get rich quick scheme” but the bottom line is that we as a general population have to really rely on our common sense to separate the real from the BS, use our ability to reflect on the situation from a distance not emotionally.
    Things look great written down on paper or portrayed on television. The important aspect to remember is that to truly be successful in life is to work hard to learn the trade well, whether flipping houses or flipping waffles or whatever else catches one’s fancy. Trial and error is sometimes the price to pay to gain experience and wisdom necessary to learn and grow.
    Having said the above, I am not implying that we only learn or grow from personal experience but we do get inspired by others. For instance, we can get a few sound tips from someone like Armando Montelongo and others who have reached success and we can apply those tips to our lives but not apply every single step by step process. Hope that this makes sense to you.
    As for myself, I don’t really trust Armando much and I wouldn;t want to attend his seminars or read his books.

  83. The Sheriff says:

    Wow you all need to get some education. Nobody has all winning deals. Sometimes you loose. Just like trading stocks- the idea is to maximize profits and minimize losses- But there will always be loses.

  84. Paul says:

    This is exactly why, i choose to invest my money where I can monitor it.

    I know a flipper in portland, OR. I have invested my money with a guy named Thomas over and over again. I make more money then any other type of investment available. and he says he is still going strong despite the economy.

    yes he has been late makeing a balloon payment, but he compensates for that. yes he has missed deadlines, all BS aside, he is genuine and sincere and does people right. You investe with thomas he will make you money.
    i have all my saving invested in one of his companies right now and i reccommmcend that you give hima call.
    here is the contact info.

    Thomas Taylor

    Elite Enterprises Inc.
    PO BOX 2151
    Fairview, OR 97024

    PS. Give him a call and an opportunity to pre4sent to you your options and show how he does what he does and i think you wil be impressed.

  85. Mars says:

    I like Armando the dude is real funny!! The guy is very good at what he does… He can show the other Atlanta flippers a thing or 2 of how to negotiate with the Contractors. Armando will never take the abuse these contractor put the Atlanta flippers through!!! LOL As far as the charges!!!! Everyone just falls behind and This people should just take a loss!!

  86. Mars says:

    As for the rest of all of you except for one… Dont hate the player… ate the Player… Hate the Game… All you broke ass real-tors that can sell- back to do what ever you guys did before the bull market. Stop crying… Nagging BIATCHES!!!! Yes it is CALI MOFO”S

  87. Wilson says:

    frank wrote:

    post 18.. shannon, I can call it Cali. I’m a native. F Off!


    I’m a native too, and only dinks, dorks and gays would call our fair land “Cali.” In 64 years, this is the first place, and first time, I have ever seen the term used.

    The cool people have always called the best part of California “SoCal” for short.

  88. Adam says:

    I like armondo, I think I have learned a lot about how not to do business watching his show.

  89. MHummel says:

    Guess you guys haven’t heard. This lawsuit has been dropped. By the way, I’m sure Armando would be thankful for all of you who are standing up for him…..

    For those of you who are ripping on him, Don’t you have anything better to do?

  90. A Vega says:

    UNBELIEVABLE!! I read all 88 comments listed previous to mine. I don’t Armando Montelongo, I have watched his show, and I find him to be savvy, entertaining, and quite a bit over confident bordering on arrogant. If you don’t like the guy or think you can’t trust the guy, don’t put yourself in a position to be taken advantage of. In the world of business it is generally believed that the higher the expected return on your investment the greater the potential risk. Don’t compound that risk with granting AM or anyone else blind faith. If you take a financial bath on your stock portfolio, you can’t simply hate the stock broker for your stocks’ performance or lack thereof. You have to keep on top of your investments, assess the risks, be careful of the people you deal with, understand the market, and know when to buy and sell. I don’t know AM and I am not sure I care to know him, but it seems to me many of those commenting need to hold themselves more accountable.

  91. Steve says:

    “I’m a native too, and only dinks, dorks and gays would call our fair land “Cali.” In 64 years, this is the first place, and first time, I have ever seen the term used.

    The cool people have always called the best part of California “SoCal” for short.”

    I am three generations California on both sides of my parents. First, I agree that California Natives DO NOT refer to it as “Cali!”

    However, I would have to disagree with you as to which part of the state is the best. I went to school in So Cal. It was nice, and I never thought I would leave when I was there. But I graduated in 1987, to return home to the Bay Area, and have been back to So Cal only one time since – and I cut THAT trip short!

    Sorry, the best part of California is NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. Fewer people, less traffic, more scenery, more variety of EVERY sort: geography: (waterway, lake, forest, farmland, mountain). No Cal also has more diverse cultures, ethnicities, restaurants, bookstores, coffee shops, education, music, art, drama, it goes on. No Cal has 13 premier ski resorts, around Lake Tahoe alone – and talk about the convenience, the nightlife and the views!

    No Cal has Silicon Valley, and is still a leader in the computer, biotech and Green industries (which, BTW, are about to take over the world).

    Add to that N Cal has a higher percentage of educated folks (Have you ever watched: “Jay Walking” on the “Tonight Show” He wouldn’t find those fat morons so quickly up here). No Cal also has more tolerance, a better appreciation for our limited resources, and a live and let live attitude.

    So Cal has it’s high points to be sure: Hollywood, deserts (if you like that sort of thing), lots of illegal immigrants (good if you are an illegal immigrant), warm beaches, lots of pretty women (BTW, beautiful women exist in No Cal as well, but have brains, personality, and aren’t quite the gold diggers). Yes, So Cal is not a bad place, but sorry, it doesn’t hold a candle to No Cal, for quality of life.

  92. Donnelly says:

    I bought the study course from a late night infomorrtial for 400 bucks, listened to all the material 3 or 4 times and got involved. I bought a house made some repairs and sold it last week and made 9,000 dollars profit. Its not a million dollars but it feels like it because it was so easy. Don’t whine about your failures and blame AM, blame yourself for talking too much.

  93. truth says:

    Hey Paul #84, nice way to save money on advertising, cheap ass. People that come on these sites to bad mouth the competition that are obviously out of their leagues must really be hurting.

  94. Shiuh-Chau Kuan says:

    armando Montelongo coaching cost me $10,000.00 of Debt and push me into bankruptcy.

  95. Robin says:

    I have been on Armando’s Testimonial page on his website for over one year, however, that “testimonial” was fabricated from a My Space email to Veronica about lipstick!

    I have asked them for one year to remove my name, yet no one ever does. I have now sought litigation.

    I received DOZENS of emails and letters to my home asking if Armando’s program is a scheme. I can’t answer that SINCE I HAVE NEVER PURCHASED IT.

    I will say he’s completely unprofessional for fabricating testimonials, then not removing them after I have asked him for a year to do so.

    I’ll keep you posted on the legal outcome.

  96. linda says:

    I went to Armando’s conference in Portland, OR in 9/08. Yes there was lunch(cold hoagie, 1 mustard pkt.,very small bag o’ chips, bottled water, 1 piece of bologna, and 1 piece of yellow processed cheese). Yes I listened for 6 hours, and some ideas were good, some hardly feaseable! Armando is full of it and very rude! I did not buy anything, mostly because i thought it would be cheaper, and I would recieve help. Though after listening to all the fine print, I new -too good to be true! So I took my vouchers and registered them, after all I lost a days wage-$90.00. I sent in my reciepts since 9/08, no cards, I was told end of Jan 09 all monies(cards) would be mailed. Today I called FreeGasCentral, Disc phone #. Also funny and angering, a lady from Flip This House and Armando’s company called me to try to get me to go for this flipping crap again, I went off on her and shared the gas thing, she hung up and I called Lars Larson, maybe he can get the word out and make Armando make good on his gas promises!

  97. Diana says:

    Armando probably would care less.He is making his life regardless

  98. people deserve to be ripped off by armando the SCAM ARTIST! Flip This Scammer!

  99. Lisa Merritt says:

    Hey guys I think this is a little silly. I have bought Armondos books and used most of the information in my own flip buisness and it has worked great. I am in San Antonio. I know Armando personally I grew up with his family. He has 8 brothers and sisters well 7 now one of them just lost there battle with cancer. Armando is from San Antonio and he is doing very well in buisness. This whole law suit was stupid and it settled out of court last time I heard about it the lady didnt do something correctly so he couldnt use it a closing so he didnt pay her. It was buisness. But he is a friend his stratagies do work and if he moves out to Cali. I know he will do great there also! If you bought his product and say oh it doesnt work its your own fault USE IT don’t just sit on it and then complaine it works I know becuase like I said before we are doing 1 home a month right now and have been for over a year we want to take it to the next level and by mid year want to be doing 5 a month but we are making sure we know every thing before we go full tilt. So if you baught the product get off your couch use it and quit complaining!

  100. Marie says:

    I just spent 4-something hours in Armando’s seminar yesterday evening in Westlake Village, California. Armando spoke at the beginning of the seminar, saying that they are going to tape their infomercial in California and so he is going to give us a “crazy deal.” Interesting info–thanks for giving me the information to research it today and see that it is a scam.

  101. amanda says:

    armando is the only reason i ever watch TLC – the guy’s got personality! he should come to the east coast.

  102. amanda says:

    haha. A&E.

  103. Penny Loafer says:

    AM need to shower. A lot. Maybe even use Dawn.

    Greasy guy.

  104. carrie in Canada says:

    Well, I have to say I read all previous submissions, and I agree with most of you that AM is a real shit head!!! He also does really shoddy work, I would never in a million yrs have any dealings with him or his scank wife!!

  105. Briann says:

    I have been reading these comments and seriously laughing my head off. Who are the REAL people making the positive comments about him? Hmm… Veronica or is it Armando himself? The guy is a fool. He’s a cheap excuse of a flipper and takes short cuts that will cost his buyers in the end (but hey, he’s safe from the backlash once the sale is finalized and Veronica got her breasts paid for, so no biggie to him…). And what the heck does “last tank of gas” mean? That doesn’t even make sense. Either you made it to San Antonio or you didn’t, tool. He’s a criminal, plain and simple. If he had half a brain, he would be ashamed of himself. I wouldn’t buy one of cheaply fixed, cockroach infested properties EVER. Nor would I waste a damn participating in any of his infomercial style scams. Watch out for this guy.

  106. EA says:

    You all are just jealous of not having his determination, ambitious mindset,and even talent of making money out of almost nothing. If you don’t like him at all, why are you folks wasting your time in writing on this blog? Mind in your own business and go to cook or do something else? OK knuckleheads?

  107. James Rockford says:

    I am a good friend and business associate of Armando’s and he will be filing lawsuits against all parties engaging in slander and libel in this and every other Internet forum. Your free speech rights DO NOT protect you from libelous and slanderous remarks. Have a nice day.

  108. J. Davis says:

    I love Armondo, even if he is not perfect, is pretty manipulative and is an anti-environmentalist. I hope he does more shows.

    Casey…Saying that a lawyer is an ambulance chaser is slander since ambulance chasing could cause one to loose their license…

  109. Bob says:

    James Rockford your comment makes me laugh. Not only would Armando not waste his money going after everyone’s libelous/slanderous comments, but no court in all the land would allow such a case to be heard, I laugh at your sad understanding of the law. 🙂 HAVE A NICE DAY.

  110. Melodie says:

    I just recieved in the mail one of Armando’s invites to buy his CD and books and he gives an address of:

    12222 South 1000 East
    Draper, Utah 84020

    He’s still in business. I check out things to see if what people are offering are scams and 99.9% are total scams. Just like Carlton Sheets, Walter Dotson and the like.

    I’ve been to several “seminars” and all it is, is a bunch of hype and expensive stuff that no one can afford to buy in this economy that’s virtually useless.

  111. Melodie says:

    I just recieved in the mail one of Armando’s invites to buy his CD and books and he gives an address of:

    12222 South 1000 East
    Draper, Utah 84020

    He’s still in business. I check out things to see if what people are offering are scams and 99.9% are total scams. Just like Carlton Sheets, Walter Dotson and the like.

    I’ve been to several “seminars” and all it is, is a bunch of hype and expensive stuff that no one can afford to buy in this economy that’s virtually useless.

  112. Robbie says:

    Ha. Libel lawsuit. There is no such thing as libel on the internet. Just to add, I don’t exactly understand how he could get us for slander seeing how slander is spoken.

    I don’t fault the guy though. I fault the people who keep buying into these get rich quick schemes time after time. The fact of the matter is. Nothing comes easy. You have to work your ass off to be successful, and yeah, the guy may be a sleaze, but that isn’t the problem here. The problem is, people think they can buy a book and it will sell houses for them.

  113. Rayburn says:

    I attended a seminar by Armando a little over a year ago. In the past seven months, I have flipped 14 properties for a net profit of $478.000. You negative talkers are simply stupid people who don’t know how to do anything and resent anyone who does. Get over it and go collect your food stamps.

  114. joe blow says:

    Armondo is just another Carelton sheets, Dave del dotto, Ed beckley, Tom Vu etc. all full of BS and most out of business of have files bankrupcy. A scam

  115. Will Johnson says:

    I live near San Francisco. I just got a card to come to an “Official Pre-Auction Event” at the Embassy Suites at the San Francisco Airport. I probably won’t go, but it doesn’t say you get anything for free anymore. This is supposed to happen on 16 May 2009, it would be interesting to hear from anyone who goes, what it’s all about.

  116. Tim says:

    James Rockford…..fake name….got it from a tv show.

    Armando would not dare step into a courtroom to sue….he would be exposed as the fraud he is…..

    He’s a total crook and a scam artist…now…..sue me Armando….

  117. mike says:

    I would like to hear from any one who has taken Armando’s coaching program.

    Does it work in Texas

  118. mike says:

    Is there a good flipping ( wholesale or retail) programS in the market, or are they all bogus

  119. Junior says:

    No one should judge Armando unless they have made at least 1 Million Dollars in Real Estate. Whether its with 30k houses or 100k houses…the fact is the guy did it and he’s making money NOW!!!

    How many of you can say that you’ve made money in real estate and I can quit my job tomorrow…

    Let’s get real. Stop talking about someone that has obviously made it and try to create with for yourself.

    People are so SELFISH!!!!!!!

  120. reese says:

    how many of u grumpy mf’s have actually taken his courses and failed?i can bet not even half of u have.thats probably why ur broke now u complain too much about shit u never done!this flippin houses thing is not rocket science.who cares if AM is sleezy or whatever else u all call him.the only way its a scam is if the info he is giving isnt true.personally ive flushed more money down the toilet than what he asks for his program.u can only hold urself accountable if u lose money with AM.ur payin him for the knowledge he gives u dumbasses not to flip a house for u.if u go to collge thats not free is it?please get that hate out ur blood u will never make it in life with this attitude.AM does not owe u fuckers anything for free!

  121. dhamm says:

    yes i have been reading all of these blogs.and think that any one that truly beleaves that u can buy a book and get rich off it is kinda few briks shy a full load,i just helped flip an old house for a friend he purchased the house for 17k.and with me and a few friends,worked on the house for at least 3 months ,so now he has a home with mb.25 k in it but it apraised for 65 k,but we didnt read no book from or go by any thing to do with armondo,or any one else we,learnede alot that we didnt know by ttrial and error,beware of the man with the power to shut your work down without proper permits.north east mss.

  122. Heather says:

    My god, are you people listening to yourselves? Carrie from Canada #104, where do you get off calling Veronica a *skank?” That is just rude and shows you have no class.

    The bottom line here is this, if you don’t like the show, don’t watch it. If you don’t like Armando, don’t listen to him. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Please keep this in mind, opinions are not facts. I listened to all your comments. The majority of you are supposed to be adults but are acting like children. Unless you have the facts in writing, no one on here but Armando himself can comment on his work, his ethics, or his wife. It is really none of anyone’s business.

    If you like the show, watch it. If you don’t like the show find something you do like watching.

    Isn’t there enough hatred in the world without everyone slandering one man and his quest on here?

    For those of you who believe in Armando and what he does, I wish you good fortune. For those of you who think little of him and his business, I wish you peace in your heart and good fortune.

    I hope future comments here will be a little more tasteful and respectful. You can say what you mean without saying it mean.

    Good Luck to all and God Bless.

    Heather in Broomall, PA

  123. mike says:

    armando is aloser

  124. ChristyNC says:

    I love armando and the whole gang of the SA show….. I hope they dont go no where !!!!!!! and I look forward to seeing new episodes!!!!!!! 4 every1 else…get the hate outchu blood….. and learn to be happy for other people…!!! again love the show…. 🙂

  125. Jim says:

    The Montelongos are the only crew on Flip This House that is actually entertaining. And that is what it is meant to be – entertainment. If you think the show is 100% real then you are out of touch with reality. Flip that house was all unstaged and real and it was boring.
    Thumbs up to Armando.
    And BTW, Veronica is a very good looking woman. Get over it.

  126. I paid for Armando’s course ($3,000) got some info and I’m going to see if it works. I got a buyer, all I need is a hardmoney lender. I need about $125,000 any takers?

  127. gary e harden says:

    I’m JUST reading his book as a motivator -I can see the underlining BULL about call this number… DUH…
    But he’s right if you can get a GOOD deal on a house and make the repairs; there’s NO reason why you can’t make money on the side.

  128. Skinsfan says:

    Armando Montelongo is my hero!

  129. Mark says:

    OK i watched the show.. With me being from Va. I know nothing about Cali.. Stop hating on A M.. Seems to me that you guys are jealous cause he has a tv show.. Its just entertainment.. like anything else.. The show is good for A&E.. if you dont like it Fuck off. Besides cali sucks azz anyway..

  130. Danette says:

    Just be aware that if you cancel your monthly memebership you will not get your $69.95 x 5 mos. back. You will pay $350.00 for the “free” materials.

  131. Brian says:

    Shane from comment # 68 I a’m from MI and have just dropped 10 k on mentoring pgm from Utah. Am I as stupid as most of the people commenting here are insinuating I am for doing so or should I take the chance and go for it? I Have two days yet to cancell by 9/4/09. e-mail me at ASAP


  132. Cary says:

    It seems to me that people like Montelongo, Dean Graziono and the rest would just keep their business secrets to themselves and do what makes them money. Instead they try to sell you books, there is a lot of money to made in the hype of getting rich. The suckers are the people who want to get rich quick, there are so many. These people are not Guru’s they con men period. They are all selling same story but in different words and different places.

  133. Tracy says:

    He is actually quite nice in person. The show is for entertainment people. Get over it. His program is one of the best I have seen. It takes you step by step through the process of flipping. We passed on the coaching, it was over priced. Try to find someone local to help you get started.

  134. Jesus Julio Trevino says:

    love montelogo on flip this house, great show, he’s the best one and the only one I watch.

  135. Nunya Bidness says:

    Armondo is just an asshole, plain and simple, he’s a jerkoff. He knows nothing about flipping houses, he’s just a pencil pusher.

  136. Mark says:

    I do construction and cabinetry. If I ever worked for a guy like this, or had someone speak to me like the way he speaks to people, I’d stab him in the face with a screwdriver.

  137. LJM in Texas says:

    AM & Flip this house are now on the HGTV channel. As far as his ethics go I can’t make a comment…I don’t know this man on a personal basis…I don’t think any of the people making comments about him do either. It’s a TV show thats all, get over it. The man is entertaining and I think that is all that is required of him. If people are stupid enough to buy into whatever he is supposed to be selling without doing their homework, well then that is their problem. P.T. Barnum once said “There’s a sucker born every minute”, this is sad but true. As far as Pre-Approval letters go…as a realtor here in Texas…I don’t hold much store by these, it’s a Pre-Qualified letter from a legitimate lender that shows that the lender has already agreed to loan money to the buyer that will be the factor as to if you are wasting your time in showing property to the buyer or not .

  138. Martin says:

    Veronica owns a house in South OC, worth (even in this market) 3million Estimate.

  139. Joe says:

    Wow…. after reading all of these messages, I saw programs costing from $350 to ove $10k. Here is the thing…. Anyone went through those “3-day trainings”? Please share what you guys did that was so valuable/expensive. I think other than the price from the cost of the program, we could decide if its a scam or not. Oh and by the way…. resolve the problem and quit whinning.

  140. Tom says:

    The real problem I see with Armando is his willingness to shortcut any and all known repairs. Granted you can make the astetics look really nice, but if the foundation and structure is terrible what good is the work. I suspect that the home buyer’s of his flips (if any) are considering lawsuits due to shoddy work and lying about the conditions of the house. In most places he would be in court with multiple lawsuits based upon the fraudulant claims of the houses conditions.

  141. Marilyn says:

    November 9, 2009
    To whom it may concern:
    I just wanted to write a letter to someone that could help us. Back in May of 2009 my husband, John saw this infomercial of “Armando Montelongo” and “Flip this House” show. Well, it sounded so great to him that he had me watch it and we both thought that it sounded really wonderful and we could get rich and it was sooooo easy to do from the infomercial that we were watching.
    Well, we contacted the Company of Armando Montelongo and they signed us up. We ordered his $500.00 materials package and within 2 days (1 weekend) we watched and listened to all of the cd’s and dvd’s. We were pumped.
    Well, they signed us up for the “Mentoring Program”. We gave them another $500.00 towards this program and they enrolled us into a retail installment agreement.
    Well, we did online classes (core classes) for about 2 months. Little did we know that we only had 3 days to decide whether or not we wanted to keep the $500.00 materials. And we also had 7 days to decide whether or not we wanted to discontinue the mentoring program. Well, after that we found out that all the information that they gave us, there was a glitch. They originally told us that we did not have to put any of our money up to buy houses and flip them. Well, after doing some real in depth research, yes, we had to put up several thousands of dollars to start our business and to be able to buy homes. We did not have that kind of money. By then, they had us and now we cannot get any money back for the materials that we now have stored in a box under my desk and also it was too late to get out of the mentoring program which we now owe about $3,000.00.
    Okay, we owe $3,000.00 for what? We did not get anything in return…Like when you enter into a retail installment agreement, at least you have a washer or dryer or something to show for it. We have absolutely nothing to show for this and they still want us to pay the balance.
    I feel that this is a big rip off. I really wish that someone could help us. This is totally unfair and now this is going to further give us bad credit.
    The only address we have for Premier Mentoring/Armando Montelongo, 1222 South East Suite 100, Draper, Utah 84020. Phone number is 866/427-3041. I have sent numerous e-mails telling them that I want to stop my membership in this mentoring program and they just give me more information about how great this program is.
    I would appreciate any help that you could give us.

    Thank you,
    Marilyn & John Hayes

  142. Jade Simmons says:

    I think Armando is a bul headed, cheap ass, slick rick, wanna be. My boyfriend and I watch his show on the weekend and all this fat fucker does is bitch and complain about how people are spending his money. For a man that claims to be rich he cant be to rich if he is crying about every fucking dollar of “his money that is being spent. Sorry for the foul words but this guy works my nerves. How could anybody wanna work for suck a grease monkey bitch. PLEASE NO ONE CONDUCT YOUR BUSINESS LIKE THIS GUY HE SUCKS BALLS!!!!!!!!!! If I was Brent or anybody that has worked with the guy I would have been beat his ass.

  143. NativeTexan says:

    OK folks,

    Let’s set some things straight. Armando Montelongo is NOT a Texan. Period. He, allegedly tried to rip some Texans off but he ain’t one.

    He is a Californian and now he’s back home. Y’all in SoCal have to deal with the truth of that and where he learned his behavior. He is so rude that at first I thought he was from New England. But then again, I’ve been to San Francisco. Good luck with that.

  144. Jodi says:

    Who really cares??? He is giving some people more chances than they have been offered. To others a different perspective and new ideas they may not have seen or thought of before. Take what you want from him, disregard the rest, invite him in, or don’t let him near your home (as one person has said). Another option for you is to change the chanel!! I believe for some people in need he is giving information that can be very helpful to them.

  145. Chris says:

    Armando is my hero! It’s a show people it’s suppose to be entertaining. He is the best out of all of them on flip. But does anyone know where the hell there will be new ones. Bring back Brent best line ever “see ya later johny cash” keep on swinging those arms armando.

  146. Jen says:

    He is coming to do seminars in Honolulu HI, his # is 800-718-8264….

  147. Gary says:

    Wow,today i saw his show for the first time. I may actually buy his book..i mean it won’t hurt. If they gave him a tv show,there has gotta be something good about the guy. Do you have your own tv show doing what you love doing?? DON’T HATE,APPRECIATE!!

  148. RC says:

    I bought AM’s base program about a year ago. I was contacted about the mentor program, etc, but felt his base program was enough to get me started. Admittedly, I have a background in building as my father is a General Contractor. However, I personally am in pharmaceuticals. Knowing the job market to be uncertain, I decided I needed to do something that could sustain my income level should I lose my job. I was intrigued with AM program and watched it several months before knowing he had a program he offered. After buying the base program, I reveiwed it and began to develop my own plans. I found the program to be an “add to” to the foundational base I had begun to establish in flipping my own houses. I liked the organization AM set up in working with contractors and the the ability to sell in multiple fashions including auctions, etc. As with any program, including educational classes, you are given a baseline to develop yourself and you will only become what you set your mind on to become. If I do all as AM does, then who am I really? I have read other’s books and ideas as well. Some have become part of my business, but some were just not me. Basically, if you expect to buy some program that will make you rich, you are deceived. You can learn from the dumb person not to be dumb. We need to take the best of any program and see if it can make us better. As far as the AM program, I found about 50% of his materials to be useful. What have I done in the last year? I started with just a couple of rehabs. I rolled that money each time I sold to buy more and now buy one each month. I carry three rehabs at one time, selling one prior to buying another. My new Rehab company’s net worth is right at $500k. I have the ability to pay off my current home loan of $250K, but do not so as to continue to use the money to buy more houses. However, it is nice knowing that I really am debt free if I so desire. The key here is to learn from every program, learn from other investors locally and glean knowledge from you mistakes. I will continue to invest in more programs knowing my knowledge can be increase in what they may be doing positive or what I may not like they are doing negative.

  149. Jim says:

    Whoa! This is scary. I have a telephone meeting scheduled in the AM (1-9-2010) with a guy from AM’s company – he happens to be in Utah.

    If all of the negative info I’m reading in this blog has even a grain of truth to it, I think I might be better off to leave my phone off the hook.

    I’ve only seen AM on the show 3 or 4 times, but I pegged him as being arrogant, disrespectful, condescending and vulgar in his treatment of the people he’s involved with.

    It doesn’t appear that he does things in a manner I would consider ethical, based on the majority of what I’ve read here tonite. I’d appreciate an email – from anyone who’s actually completed a ransaction with him personally

  150. Sick of AM says:

    Will someone please throw him into solitary confinement so we never have to hear or see him again. Next week he’ll be in the Houston area doing seminars and ripping off idiots thinking they can get ahead by listening to his scams. Do you really want to follow in the steps of a man whom is constantly sued or only sells homes to illegal immigrants with no proof of income? Countless numbers of his homes have gone into foreclosures well before the economy started to crumble. He can’t even be considered a real R/E investor because most of his work is just glorified bulldogging which last I heard is now illegal in the state of Texas. You find a cheap run down house, find an investor that is willing to put up any cash and their names to the contracts, do a quick cheap rehab, and sell it to the first moron that passes by. Then everyone gets paid at the closing, and he walks away free of any liabilities because technically the investor was the seller of the house and not him.. Just run away from this creep as fast as you can, unless you like cat pee houses…

  151. Sick of AM says:

    ooops, sorry but a quick edit.. I meant to say bird-dogging, not bulldogging..

  152. Randall says:

    I wonder exactly how many of these messages are either AM or VM posing as a neutral 3rd party…

    No matter…if AM portrays himself as a conceited ahole on tv, then he really cannot expect that anyone will think any differently about him.

  153. We haven’t seen him in St Louis for quite some time. Haven’t heard anything further on his travails and challenges with the string of lawsuits following him after leaving San Antonio and other markets.

  154. stact says:

    I just went to the seminar. Two reasons…It was free, and free knowledge is a good thing. And my control freak boyfriend forbid me to go…enough said. First the guy(sounded more like a caller in a carnival then a real estate expert)started with humor and stock motivational tools…asking the room to respond by repeating what he said, ect… Then he used fear and told a story of a 71 year old women with a shaking hand handing him his change at Mc Donalds drive through. Then guilt…showing pictures of his mother and kids and telling us we owe it to OUR families. All that was needed was the swelling music and a picture of his kid on crutches in the poor house. Then he said “If you have to call friends or family to ask you’re not a “Going to be” you’re a “Wanna be”. Then only 25 spaces open….to instill urgency and “wallah!!!” a hard sell and crap omelete. The initial cost for the next step was $1495.00 I guess business is bad because according to another poster it was $999.00 in cali. And if he is making sooo much money why would he leave his family to do seminars? Because he likes helping people? I think that Armondo just sold his name to this and has absolutely nothing to do with this. Sorry for all the details, but I don’t want anyone to be suckered by this….It almost got me and I have a degree in psychology with a special interst in the Stockholm syndrome…You know, brain washing. And they almost had me…almost. Ashamed to admit it. I also heard that the initial price is only one of many. So Beware.

  155. stact says:

    Also, I am sure there is good info to be gotten from the seminar….Maybe nor $1500 worth but the free part was cool. I just didn’t like the manipulative way it was delivered. And didn’t like the way they told me not to call my family. A lttile too Jim Jones for me.

  156. Rick says:

    I noted on AM’s web site that little information of any value is given. Try to find course prices and you can’t. Because of it you are sucked into calling which spells certain death in near harassing phone calls by their coaches. It points to deception!
    When emailing them on these points you never hear back. AM sounds great in his book BUT is he walking his talk?
    Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  157. RBinNJ says:

    Hmmm…I see lot’s of hate here? Could be jealousy, or well based, I don’t know. I have watched AM’s show, and have enjoyed it. If any of you who complain about how he deals with contractors, then I reckon you’ve never had to do so yourself. If you don’t stay on top of them you invariably get raked over the coals. NOT all of them mind you, but lot’s of them, so I think AM is a breath of fresh air in that respect. And…as many have mentioned it is a TV show and much is done to hype it up … entertainment value if you will.

    I recently attended a free AM all day seminar in NJ, and Armando himself was there. I can’t say that I found him to be arrogant, sure of himself yes, but I felt him to be very real, and I believe that he tells it like it is. I also signed up for a 3 day workshop which I will be attending this coming weekend.

    I have already gone through all of the material that I received, CD’s and books and found the material to be thorough and easy to understand and follow. My business partner and I have already put in an offer on a property and have appointments to view more tomorrow.

    I guess that I will find out for myself within the next few weeks or months as to if AM’s formula works. So far it looks very promising, despite the cost of the program $1,700.00 I believe that it is a small price to pay for an opportunity with such potential. But as I said, time will tell.

  158. Mark says:

    Re: RBinNJ

    You’ll be sorry!

  159. RBinNJ says:

    Okay, I did the 3 day workshop last weekend, and was completely impressed with it all. I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge, and the presenters, Adam, Chris, Mark, Tiffany were outstanding!

    I take it that a lot of you don’t like the image portrayed by Armando … but, the man makes a good living off of this. The Feds place a high priority on interstate scam artists, and I honestly do not believe that Armando falls into this category. Everything about his program and offerings was presented totally above board. I have been taken by a few MLM’s in the past and this did not smack of a scam in any sense of the word.
    I think the entire problem is that too many people think that if they pay the money, that they don’t have to do anything except get rich. Bullshirt. Armando’s blueprint is very easy to follow, and most definitely duplicatable. PROVIDING YOU FOLLOW THE PROGRAM AND DO THE LEG WORK.
    Yes I bought into the $23,995. platinum program and bus tour in S. Cal with Armando. And after one week in the mentor program my business partner and I are 110% satisfied with the attention and guidance that we have received. I am totally convinced that we we put forth the effort, that we can truly be successful in this business.
    I will keep you all posted as to my experiences and progress as things proceed. By the way, after 1 week we are ready to put in our 3rd and 4th offers on local properties. We have hard money lenders already lined up, sub contractors … we’re ready to roll.
    I’m sure that once we actually get into the Boot’s on the Ground program with our mentor, and do the S. Cal bus trip with Armando we will be well on our way to success.
    My advice to anyone else out there considering this. If you expect just just sit on your ass and get rich, just send me your money instead. But…if you’re willing to learn, and work at applying your new found knowledge, then the only thing limiting your success is yourseld.

  160. Mark says:

    $23,995.00 “DOULBLE OUCH!” We tried to warn ya!

  161. Mark says:


    Armando intially states his Master Course is an all inclusive program that will provide the student ALL the content they will ever need to succeed. Then later, he will try and sell yet another program that he wants you to buy to layer over his previous programs. And so on, and so on…..,many students are tricked into believing that with the more expensive programs, you will recieve more valuable information, but in fact he is trying to sell more of his and other real estate gurus products. This is very common place among these types of programs. Real information will walk you step by step and provide a very detailed comprehensive format. I myself have attended one of Armando’s seminars, several students there went in and tried to buy and flip multiple properties with bad results. the looks on their faces said it all! On top of that, they were enrolled in Armando’s coaching program!!!!!!! many said privately, they should’ve waited and researched more before investing. It was irresponsible of Armando and his coaches to encourage the purchase of mutiple properites. These programs are not as cut and dry as the gurus make it seem, Please research, research and research……

  162. Mary says:

    I bought his book for $9.00 out of curiosity. It automatically signed you up for some on-line materials for 30 days (free). I apparently didn’t cancel these materials and my credit card was billed. I attempted to negotiate with someone at his company about this, but they were very condescending, rude, and abrasive.

    I intend to file a complaint with the California Attorney General’s office. I’d encourage anyone living in various states that have had bad business dealings with this organization to take similar action. Another post gave a phone number for the CA Atty General’s officer: 800-952-5225.

  163. OhioFlip says:

    Mary, The company youll deal with is Premier Mentoring in Draper, Utah

  164. OhioFlip says:

    check this out….Armando has some words with Randy Couture Ultimate fighting champion of the world. LOL! def staged IMHO

  165. snickers45 says:

    I myself enjoy watching Armando .Wish they would bring him back to A&E. He is very entertaining to watch.I used to look forward to watching on saturday nights. Maybe if all you people were not so stupid to spend money you do not have, you wouldnt be haters. You never get something for nothing. Grow up!!!!

  166. brigitte Belton says:

    Well after pouring over all your comments it sure isn’t hard to see why you all don’t like him! He has made his money and he doesn’t care who he pisses off to do so, its business first. The other thing I noticed was none of you boast of your great successes is that because none of you are successful? or are most of you living paycheck to paycheck and bitch of his course because you wont make the right decisions for your families and figure out how to be successful. As for his course has none of you listened “this business is not for the week at heart!- do your research” Armando states. I know this for a fact anyone who has ever been successful everyone hates – its called jealousy.

  167. Shirley Valentine says:

    Where is Armando currently living? As many have posted here, IT’S ENTERTAINMENT! Armando obviously got the job for ‘Flip This House’ because HE is entertaining to watch. Those people who are educated would never pay for a get rich quick scheme!

  168. JJ says:

    Well im going to attend the 3 day seminar in southern califorina this weekend and will definitely let everyone know what i get outta it and if its worth the 1500…I purchased it before i did any internet research, so i really hope im not gonna get a big fat one in the rear…

  169. Mark says:

    Re: Shirley Valentine,B.Belton,and snickers45,

    I think you guys are missing the point here, people were misled,had unauthorized charges to there credit card and simply put, were lied to! You three must be working for Armando or it is Armando himself? As for JJ, you’ll be sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!

  170. gs says:

    I agree with RC back on December 6, 2009. I have been involved in some form of real estate for all my life and I signed up for the $l,500.00 3 day deal this week end in Baltimore. I have already read a lot of his material and find he has some really good points. Anyone who thinks they can buy a bunch of material and become rich without working is ridiculous. Armando even says that – you have to put in time and effort. He does not appear arrogant. And who is anyone to criticize him for whatever trouble he went through IF YOU CANNOT PROVE THAT HE DIDN’T GO THROUGH THAT. Of course, he is a salesman of sorts but I would be too if I could. I’m not sure about the $23,995 program – first I have ever heard of that. What’s that all about?
    I would like to hear from more folks like RC who has been successful.

  171. Dina says:

    I really enjoy watching him on his show. Yes, he is rude. But, you know what? When you are dealing with the people he deals with, you often have to be to get the job done.

    About the seminars. How could anyone who would get excited about getting a free tank of gas have enough money to buy real estate? It seems to me he is trying to appeal to people who are pretty naive.

    If he were making so much money selling real estate, I would wonder how he has time to give these seminars.

  172. Ted Lewis says:

    Just attended the 1st hour of a free Amando seminar, all I could take.
    You need a mentor, all old ideas are bad, you need a $997 series of CD’s and books, you need to attend a 3 day fee seminar at which they will hold your hand and may include you in his new infomercial.
    Forget it, get a job with government, they are hiring and there is no work involved. Ask Obama.

  173. Oliver Roldan says:






  174. Bonnie says:

    I went to Armando’s seminar in August this year an I want to tell you that it was so much information given. I enjoyed Armando when he was on A&E “Flip This House”,I miss that show. My best friend, her brother and myself will one day soon flip our first house this year. I believe that God sent this man to show us all the steps in how to flip houses because, he has the know how. we need to learn how to take care of our families and stop living from paycheck to paycheck. Start gaining more knowledge. Pray on it and listen to what he has to say before you pass judgement on someone who has been blessed with success. He and his family are trying to share there success with everyone so we can become just as successful.

  175. Brent says:

    What’s sad is to see you poor realtors criticize a man who can show people how to skip over the step of including you in any-type of real estate venture. The truth of the matter is the realtors are the thieves. Some poor soul walks in to the realtor’s office and says, “I want to sell my house”. And the realtor says, “Great!! Let me put a sign in your yard, post some pictures of your house on the Internet, and in the MLS listings; Oh, by the way that will cost you 6-8% OF THE TOTAL SALE PRICE OF YOUR HOUSE!”
    You want to criticize a man who started with a little of nothing and turned it into millions and to top it off, he is offering you a chance to learn how he did it! Sure, you may have to pay a little for the program but wouldn’t each of you charge someone for services that you offer. Consider the man generous for even offering; I don’t see Donald Trump offering any of his secrets, Do You? The fact of the matter is you feel you didn’t get your fair share of the earnings; and before you start talking about needing, “letters of Credit” and “Credit scores”. Most of the techniques taught by many real estate gurus are how to work around those types of brick walls. Be grateful for the few times that you realtors are needed by smart investors, which are few; and those who choose not to help people like A.M., you have only accomplished one thing and that is losing money; because for every dumb realtor there is a smart one who is ready to make money under any circumstances.

  176. MRS C says:

    Try again Brent (29-Sep-10 at 2:39pm). The going rate for most realtors on taking your $ for doing nothing is 17% now. Can you believe it? If I ever think to sell, it will be listed as an SBO – Sell By Owner. On the topic, I have a great MANY bones to pick with A & E about on the subject of their “Flip This House” program choices as well as accolades for other shows like “Sell This House”. As much as the flipping-fan-world thinks Armando Montelongo to be a “tool” (quote), he is offering a chance of a lifetime to learn from the best of the best. I’m from B’klyn.,NY now living in PA. So, I know about people with attitude and abrasive behavior. Armando is, in many ways, misunderstood. His wife, Veronica is a sweet lady, even when she’s angry and if she can love Armando, he can’t be all bad. She made him promise to share what he knows with the world when he made it big and he has and he continues to do so even now. So, what is everyone’s problem? Does he think people are suckers? Yes. Does he think only of the money he can make off of those very same suckers? Yes. Is he doing what he does to hurt people? NO! Would he bother to offer what he’s learned had it not been for the promise to his wife? Yes! I believe he would’ve anyway because there’s money in it! And you can’t fault the man for knowing how to make the real estate money. I like him. I agree with him on many issues in regards to dealing with people on the daily. You can’t coddle them and hold their freakin’ hand through life all the time! But he should never forget to be respectful to people either. There is where we differ. That is probably why he and his brother no longer work together. But hard case, heartless or selfish, Armando’s the only one of all the A & E realtors to even offer such a deal! I know. I’ve watched them all, even Rudy and his mean A-S- out of Cali! I don’t know why he’s still on! He’s got no heart! By that, I mean, he’s got an ugly spirit! He makes you hate to watch! I used to watch Richard & his Trademark crew out of SC, but he is and was the biggest racist and the worst of all the “TOOLS” on that network! Did anyone ever notice how condescending he was to Blacks that came around his work sites? He even went so far as to hire a Black woman neighbor to watch over the site for vandals, in his absence, and paid her nothing for her time over 3 weeks, but managed to muster up something ridiculous like a T-shirt or an umbrella or bucket or whatever it was even after she had fed him and his crew with a great southern meal. I mean, really! And that’s not the only time Richard has been demeaning to Blacks. To top it off, he actually thinks he’s being nice, charitable. And see now how he has since picked up his marbles and left rather than teach what he knows to the people there. After having earned so much out of those same communities, he can’t wait to escape at the end of the day! He chose not to further his services or his knowledge over a few dollars. He never gave a thing on that show without conditions attached unless it suit him. Richard was and is a GREEDY CHEAPSKATE! And that’s what got his butt booted off the show, I’m sure. And had Armando not the proper contracts in place for his deal with A & E, they would’ve tried to stick it to him as well. Not that A & E didn’t attempt something, which may’ve explained the long hiatus of the show during the repeat seasons. But Armando’s back now and all that means is he protected himself and was better at contracts and negotiations with A & E than Richard (Trademark). A & E knew who the real meal tickets were for their network. They chose to extend firm offers only to those shows that actually produced high ratings with shared returns, like my boys, Than and his crew out of New Haven, CT, who are not gay, by the way, Casey (23-Jun-08 at 10:17am). I watched Than play for years in the NFL. Believe me, honey, HE IS NOT GAY! And almost all the other guys on the crew just got married to women within the past 3 seasons. So, you are terribly misinformed. The only other gay guys on A & E flipping shows are out of Atlanta. Their show was a spin-off from one of my favorite flipper families, Angela and her husband, the contractor. I remember her from her modeling career. I’m very proud of her and what she’s accomplished in the realty game. I don’t know why A & E thought dropping her show and the other Black guy’s show with the formerly pregnant wife, whose names escape me for the moment, would be a smart move when they were strong representatives of something positive for Blacks everywhere and would’ve inspired so many African-Americans to reach for their own dreams. To have replaced them with that OBNOXIOUS A-HOLE of a gay KNOW-IT-ALL (Atlanta) like that “Poindexter” with the glasses and that sickening “I’m not happy” over-the-nose stare that’s suppose to inject holy terror, is beyond me. I really hate that A & E did that ’cause he most definitely rubs me the wrong way and is rude to everyone! But, Blacks have been pre-empted since the beginning of time! I don’t know why I thought white people who own the networks were finally coming around over the past 20yrs. With Affirmative Action gone (that forced whites to hire more fairly – usually 1 token per job) and Pres. Obama in “THE House”, it seems as if whites are trying harder than ever to take us back in time to revisit tokenism and the days of the “Triple K”! Have you noticed the 1 Black per TV show increase lately? I wish A & E would put Angela and her husband and the other Black crew flippers back on the air and leave them there, regardless of ratings! Not all shows are a success only if white people watch them! As for Armando and all his haters, I’m going to his LIVE EVENT here in PA October 5, 6, 7 and 9 (2010) and get me some more knowledge! I prayed he would one day come to PA to help his devout fans and it’s happening! I’m not passing it up for anybody! And I’m hoping to get my family who just moved up here to go with me. We’re gonna make it a family business if I have to make them all swallow castor oil! We need this after what the banks did to us all! Maybe, some of you do too…

  177. MARYLYN SILLMAN says:

    This guy is a San Antonio Tx. “slum lord”.
    He wore out his welcome and left town. As a native San Antonian, I’m embarassed by this guy. In his market ads in S.A, he referred to himself and his crew as the “Mafia” Perhaps, intended as humor, I find it may ring true. Ask him how many of his so-called flips wound up as rental property. If you can’t afford to lose, don’t invest. M.Sillman


  178. tony says:

    spoke with slick salesman on phone. at first he claimed u do not need money. Then toward his pitch he only was concerned with how much money i had-typical car salesman pitch. maybe they should start selling cars for a living

  179. Dana says:

    I’ve never heard of a RE agent making 17%!! I live in MA and as far as what the agent makes is determined by the agreement between the seller/buyer and the agent. Typically it’s 4%-6%.
    If you have ever tried to sell a property on your own it’s hard! (my property is still for sale) I know paying out that % seems like a lot, but they are doing a lot of work, especially in this economy. The agents have the contacts that you don’t….and NO I AM NOT A BROKER OR A RE AGENT!
    I know this site is devoted to pretty much hating AM….I too have flushed a lot money down the toilet buying this or that, trust me, it’s embarassing to admit this!
    Some programs, I bought, I would go through the materials and realize this was not for me, usually too late to get a refund!
    Other programs seemed like a good idea and that’s where I stopped…The point I’m trying to make is BE AWARE of what you buy and if it does sound like a good opportunity, TRY IT!
    Is AM scamming people? Maybe…everyone will have a different opinion.
    I too think he is arrogant and condescending but I have the power to turn the channel and I have the power to not buy his products.
    I would like to read his book, just for curiosity’s sake.
    I watch the CT guys once in a while and they are kind of boring to watch but I believe you can learn something and I like to watch them take an house that needs some love and turn it into a home that will be loved by someone!
    I went to an event a few years ago in Boston, Donald Trump, Tony Robbins, George Foreman and Robert Kiyosaki were the key speakers that weekend. It was very motivational to hear them all speak, BUT…..
    I also attended several other seminars while I was there and yes I did buy into a few programs, about $10k worth, thinking I would make it all back in RE….I didn’t know what a “schill was then, but I sure know what a “schill” is now!!
    I had to pay a lawyer $1500 to get back $6k of the $10k I spent! I was happy to get that much back…needless to say I don’t go to those events anymore!!
    What works in another state doesn’t always work in my state, as I found out the expensive way!!
    It’s not buyer beware in my state, we have a 93A law that protects consumers…if you feel if you have been scammed by anyone please contact the atty. general in your state or a lawyer, your state might have a similar law and you might be able to get your money back!
    Praise GOD and Peace and Love to Everyone!

  180. Rachel says:

    WOW i went begrudgingly for my husband as he claimed this was a way to make big money 3 day seminar for 1500. NO breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Little breaks. didnt break for lunch until 2p.m. His associates who represented him all nothing but good to say! They made several comments about not trusting the govt. Even referenced a few people to not come back after break as they werent participating, convince you that this can be done with LITTLE or NO money down which we had NO money after spending $1500. so they somehow wiggled out $12,000 from husbands 401K against my better judgement/I refused to attend the last two days and how can people be so stupid!

  181. Ranger16Airborne says:

    I have armondo’s master course.I read one post on here that actually made since.People just want to sit here on this site and talk smack on someone there jealous of.Armondo is a stand up guy,maybe the way he flip’s houses is a little over the edge when it comes to budgeting and handling contractors,but you dont have to follow his system to the “T”.I gurantee you will learn alot from his master course and can be successful if you tweak the system to fit your market.It only takes creativity to make anything work.Most the people on here are right about the california market,except for that dumbass rookie realtor “JtHarley”or whatever,your name’s not even worth remembering.Most of you are probably not even investors and with the attitudes most of you have you would fail before you started anyway.If you want to get a solid education on real estate investing i recommend “dean Graziosi”.His books cost around $30 shipping included and lay it all out there.

  182. mike says:

    You can teach a person to fish but the student cant blame the teacher if he fishs with toilet paper

  183. Greg says:

    Hi my name is Greg I am in a computer room at the Marriot Courtside in Riverside, I fly back to San Francisco this afternoon.
    I just finished Armando’s 3 day seminar in Riverside CA. He and his staff are amazing!

    He is truly real inside and out, and truly cares about his students.

    3 months ago when I first watched his Informercials I thought that there has to be a catch? right? because there always is…But after doing 3-3 day seminars with Armando’s team I have learned so much about Buisness Management, Asset protection, and how to buy homes in any state within 30 to 90 days.

    Yes I was very sceptical at first I kept wondering if all this was true? but after watching live student testimonials in person and meeting with them I was blown away. The system Armando teaches on how to buy and flip homes in today’s real estate market is 100% true.

    I am now moving on to the master course and I hope you will do yourself a favor, go to Armando Montelongo’s first seminar, wherever his introduction is in your area and just sit and listen.

    You just might end up like me and move forward in your life. This is the best time to get into the real estate market.

    The only way you will know this for yourself is to do this course it will literally blow you away:)

    Good luck! Greg

  184. William says:

    Saw an infomercial on all this last night… supposedly going to be in the Twin Cities area this week… found this online today. Same stories… different places…

    If the link is removed when I post this… just go to and type his name (or copy and paste this: Armando Montelongo) into the search… you’ll get plenty to read…

    It seems the “FREE” seminar is to set you up for a 3-Day seminar that costs $3500… oh… but wait! Can’t afford that? Today only, for the first ones to the table in the back… only $1495…

    And then the 3-day seminar contains no real helpful info… just a lot of stories about others… blah… blah… blah… and THIS is a setup for something that costs $15,000 or more…

    Seriously? Lots of upset people out there…

  185. Tom says:

    Armandos system changed my life. For all you negative people out there I feel sry for you. The education he offers does cost alot but if you put it to use you can’t fail ( unless your negative about everything) get posative people!!!!!

  186. James says:

    Lol, just read a lot of these after seeing he’s in my area for a seminar this week. I assumed I’d find a lot of posts saying the real deal, and some people who clearly are Armando’s associates!(this is evident as they can’t spell ‘positive’) Here’s what gets me, he made money on the show by renovating houses with a crew. This works, it does cost money down, time in, a crew, construction knowledge, but it works! This seminar seems to be based around NOT doing this, but some foreclosure thing where you use the Gov’s cash, secret funds only he know about, etc. So it looks to me like where he made an honest living flipping with refurb’s, common age old practice, he is now selling a system that has nothing to do with this. SIGH! There was one Florida guy who had a system where you find migrant workers and put the time in, I guess Armando saw his sales figures and wanted to do an “anyone can do it…. in 15 hrs!” BS program.

    I could tell what this guy was like in the episode where he had to drive the tractor, then he broke the garage, His reaction to that and how a mistake he makes isn’t a mistake spoke volumes about our boy. Imagine if his wife had broken the garage how different that reaction would have been!

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